– Bringing 30 lakh weavers with 7.5 lakh loons in the cooperative fold so that the benefits of the various schemes accruing to the handloom cooperatives are available to them. – Arranging the supply of essential inputs including yarn and dyes and chemicals to the weavers covered by the HDC. – Tieing up the marketing of the cloth produced by the members of the HDC in the domestic market as well as for exports. – Providing training to the weavers in improved dyeing practices and also in new designs. – Providing additional employment to the handloom weavers, keeping in view the fact that there may be a substantial reducing in employment in the handloom sector due to the phasing out of the Janata Cloth Scheme • With these HDCs, there will be an integration of 500 Quality Dyeing Units (QDUs) to make quality dyes & Chemicals available to the weavers and also impart training to them in the improved dyeing practices. The QDUs would have the following three components: – 100 domestic Dyeing Units for which necessary equipment and Dyes & Chemicals would be provided on 50% grant and 50% loan basis. – Dyeing units at the village or primary society level, particularly, for vat dying to be funded equally by loan and grant. – Training in improved dyeing practices through weavers service centers or any other suitable agency to be funded entirely by Government grant

Criteria for Eligibility

The State Government would identify the weavers’ concentration and also the agency for running the HDC, which would be either a primary cooperative society or a good and viable NGO, which has the required infrastructure in terms of building, storage, staff, transport, etc. for running the Centre. The NGO should be eligible to get assistance from CAPART. Visit the Ministry of Textiles Website for more details of schemes and grants for NGO’s http://texmin.nic.in/policy/policy_scheme.htm For Forms and Further Details Contact: The Commissioner Office of Development Commissioner for Handlooms Ministry of Textiles Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001

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