Newer versions of macOS are out, So check the guides below to install them:

Guide to Install macOS Catalina on VMware on Windows Guide to Install macOS Catalina on VirtualBox on Windows


Before we get started, make sure to read the following requirements. Please do not skip this step because it’ll help you to successfully install macOS Mojave on VirtualBox on Windows 10 PC.

Minimum 2 GB memory (Recommended 8GB or higher) Minimum 2 cores of processors (Recommended 4 cores or higher) Hard disk free space 20 GB (Recommended 100GB or higher) Your system should support Intel or AMD VT (Virtualization Technology) Intel/AMD VT (Virtualization Technology) Should be enabled from BIOS setup

Required: If you haven’t already then you should enable Virtualization Technology (aka Intel VT or AMD-V). Furthermore, it’s highly recommended that you install macOS Mojave on SSD (Solid State Drive) instead of HDD (Hard Disk Drive) because you will have a much faster performance with SSD rather than HDD. Steps to Install macOS Mojave on VirtualBox on Windows To install macOS Mojave on VirtualBox on Windows successfully, you must download the following prerequisites. Read the step by step guide to avoid any problems. If you miss any of the steps below, then you might be unsuccessful in installing macOS Mojave on Windows. Note: We’ll use the VMKD image for this specific guide. If you want to install macOS Mojave Using ISO file, you can visit our article “How to install macOS Mojave on VirtualBox on Windows Using ISO” Image.

Step 1: Download the Prerequisites

You have to download all the following files because they are all important to successfully install macOS Mojave on VirtualBox on a Windows-based system.

Download macOS Mojave VMDK macOS Mojave 10.14.6 (18G103) Latest macOS Mojave 10.14.5 (18F203) macOS Mojave 10.14  (18A293u) Beta Download latest version of VirtualBox Download VirtualBox Code

Note: If you want to use the VMDK file multiple times, we recommend you have a copy in a different location once the download completed.

Step 2: Install VirtualBox on Windows / PC

From the “Download Prerequisites” section of this post, you should have downloaded VirtualBox and if you didn’t, download VirtualBox latest version and install it on your Windows system. If you’ve already installed VirtualBox, then you can skip this step. Other than that, follow the steps below.

Step 3: Install & Update VirtualBox Extension

This step is not 100% necessary but it’s highly recommended to do this step because macOS Mojave might not function properly on VirtualBox. For this reason, it might cause problems during the installation. Go to the Virtualbox download page. Under VirtualBox 6.1.10 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack section, click All supported platforms to download the latest version of Virtualbox Extension Pack. Once you’ve downloaded the Extension pack. Now, follow the steps below to update the Virtualbox extension pack. Finally, you should see something like the screenshots below.

Step 4: Create macOS Mojave a New VM & Customize

After installing VirtualBox, now you will need to create a new virtual machine on Virtualbox. Creating a virtual machine for macOS Mojave is kind of the same as you create a virtual machine for the Windows Operating system or Linux but with some minor changes. In this post, I’ll outline those changes. Follow the steps below to create a new virtual machine for macOS Mojave using the VMDK file.

Step 5: Execute the VirtualBox Code

Once you’ve created and customized your virtual machine, it’s time to run some codes in order to install macOS Mojave on VirtualBox. First, you should note your virtual machine name because later on, we will use it. Open the VirtualBox code which you should have downloaded from the “Download Prerequisites” section of this post. If you’ve not downloaded, doesn’t matter. Just use the following code. Note: Before, you execute the code by command prompt. You should read the following steps.

Step 6: Perform Clean Installation of macOS Mojave

Step 7: Update macOS Mojave to the Latest Version (Optional)

You should do this step if your macOS Mojave is not updated and not the latest version. So, you can update it by following the instructions below.

Video Tutorial:

If you want to watch the video tutorial, you can open the URL below to see how to update your macOS to the latest version. It doesn’t matter what versions do you use. It should work for macOS Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, and other versions of macOS.


Basically, in this article, I’ve shown you the step by step pictorial guide on how to install macOS Mojave on VirtualBox on Windows computer. After reading and following this guide, you should have done the following;

Download the Prerequisites Extracted macOS Mojave Image Installed VirtualBox on Windows / PC Installed & Updated VirtualBox Extension Created macOS Mojave a New VM & Customized Executed the VirtualBox Code Performed a Clean Installation of macOS Mojave Updated macOS Mojave to the Latest Version (Optional)

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