Use Clipboard Group in Microsoft Word

These are all the options that we have in Clipboard group

Paste (Ctrl+V), this group is used to paste the data which you have copied or cut from other document or other position of the same document. Cut (Ctrl+X), this option is used move or remove your data from one position or document to other position or document. Copy (Ctrl+C), this option helps you to have a copy of your data in other documents. The deferent between Cut and Copy is this that in copy option your main data will not remove. Just you will have a copy of your data in other documents. Format Painter (Ctrl+Shift+C, Ctrl+Shift+V), this option helps you to use the exact format of your text to other text.

Step #1. Paste Your Data in Deferent Format

Through the paste option, you can paste your file that you have copied or cut from other office applications in deferent format. Here also you can paste them in deferent format, but frankly, it depends on the version of your office. In the old version you can not paste your file in every format, just you can paste as simple text. Here you have tow ways to paste your files, first directly paste from clipboard option. or click on paste option to use paste in deferent format and design such as But next, you have a special that you can select and make your own paste option that you want.

Step #2. Copy or Cut Your File From Your Document

Here you can easily select your intended file or text and cut or copy from here. But the easiest way to copy or cut your file after selecting the file you can right click on and cut or copy the file.

Step #3. Use Format Painter to apply Easily a Particular Format to Other text in Your Document

In this step, you can choose a particular format and design for your text or subheading. And through to this option you can apply that format and design on other texts. To use this option first select your text and bring your changes then double click on Format Painter then use the cursor to select to apply this format to them.


These all are about that How to use clipboard group in Microsoft word 2016. here I tried to explain all of them that need to be explained. Clipboard group we need to use always due to that often in our document we are going to these options. But sometimes we face a problem through to paste option. And that is paste file in deferent format and design. Fortunately in Microsoft office 2016. When we use clipboard group we have not like this problem. Because we have options to paste our file in with their own design and format. Thanks for being with us.

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