Make your Twitter Account Private

The process of making your Twitter account private is a straightforward process which can be done both on the web version of Twitter and on the mobile application. First, let’s go ahead and take a look how you can make your Twitter account private on the Mobile version of Twitter, especially if you are using it on a Android and iOS.

Make your twitter account private on Mobile

At the moment, the most devices that is used on the planet is mobile devices, so, it is better to take a look at the settings of Twitter on Mobile devices.

Make your twitter account private on Desktop

Following the mobile devices the second place where people are using Twitter the most is the desktop. And like the mobile devices, people are not downloading the application mostly but they are using the web version of Twitter. So if you are looking for a way to make your Twitter account private on the web version of Twitter, here are the steps that you must follow. Even though the steps are the same on both on mobile and the web version of Twitter. After that go to privacy and safety tab and click on the Audience and tagging. Check the box of “Protect your tweets”> after that a popup window will appear where it explains that “This will make them visible only to your Twitter followers”, ignore it and choose protect.

How to Approve New Followers on Private Twitter accounts?

It is cool and amazing that Twitter has provided the option that you can make your Twitter account private. But at the same time when you enable this feature, you will have to manually approve your new followers too. On mobile devices to approve new followers is really simple, all you have to do is tap on your profile, tap on follower requests, then approve or decline the follower. However if you’re on PC, you need to follow the following steps to manually approve or decline your new follower.


I hope by following this article you have made your Twitter account private and you have also learned how to manually approve your new followers. Let me know if this feature is handy or no in the comment section.

How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 48How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 80How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 61How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 10How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 41How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 70How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 42How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 85How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 15How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 54How to make your Twitter Account Private  - 59