Programming and coding assignments need to be handled with so much diligence and that is why you should only trust an expert to handle such subjects. Fortunately for you, you can count on the AssigmentCore site to handle your programming and coding assignments. Want to know more about Assignment core, how it works, and what is it about? Well come along and read along to know more.

Assignment Core Features

This is exactly what you get if you choose AssigmentCore to handle your programming and coding assignments;

Assignment Core FeaturesOrder Placing and RegistrationHow it worksConfidentialityMoney-back guaranteeConclusion

√ Proven experts As mentioned above you need experts and experienced personnel to handle your tasks. Assignment core ensures that all their staff and especially the ones that handle the tasks are experienced and that they are extremely good at what they do. The beauty of your code highly depends on the expertise and the experience of the one who will handle the assignment. This is why you should trust the assignment core experts for your programming homework. √ 24/7 support AssignmentCore staff work around the clock to ensure that you get all the help needed. It doesn’t matter the time when you will need help, just send them a message, an email, or call them and they will respond promptly. The programmers also do not sleep on their job, if you have any questions, all you need is make a call and they will respond promptly. √ Timely delivery With AssignmentCore, you do not have to worry about the complexity of the task at hand, all you need is to send in your request and the deadline and wait for the team to handle it. It doesn’t matter how short the deadline is, the team can handle it. √ Prices You also don’t have to worry about the charges of the assignments. The prices will vary depending on the urgency of the assignment and its complexity. However, you do not have to worry if you can afford it. The prices are very much affordable and anyone can afford it. Also, you will get value for your money if you choose to assign your programming and coding tasks to AssignmentCore. √ Top-notch quality Every line that will be written by the AssignmentCore team will be excellent no matter how hard you consider the assignment to be. Any code that will be written by the team is written with an aim of answering all the questions that are asked on the task. √ Different programming languages AssignmentCore has experts who deal with different programming languages (Java, Python, MySQL, HTML, VBA, Excel) and computer science. This tells you that you should not worry about the language of the task that you need, you will only need to give clear instructions and wait as the assignment is handled.

Order Placing and Registration

In AssignmentCore, there are a few terms and conditions that should be met when placing an order or registering. These terms and conditions help the team and the clients to conduct their work smoothly on the site. The first thing condition is that when registering for an account with the platform one must ensure that they are using a valid email address. The AssignmentCore team might want to contact you regarding a topic that you have assigned. If you give an invalid email address you will be violating the terms and conditions of the platform.

The platform has expert writers who will bid for the project that you have ordered. Fortunately no money us charged for placing an order. After placing an order the expert writers will each bid for the task and it is your job as the client to choose the expert writer you need, and assign the task you have. Once you accept a writer’s bid, you will be required to deposit the money with the website. The writer will then contact you through a chat feature still on the website. Both of them can also use the tracking pad to see the progress of the project at hand. Order Processing Each order that you place should contain an order volume. Each order volume is measured by the number of pages whereby a single page should contain 275 words. Upon delivery of the final product, the number of pages and words has to meet the set metrics of the order. If the order metrics and the final product mismatch, you can request a reformat of the document to meet the required number of words or pages. When it comes to changing the instructions on the order, you cannot change anything on the documents if the writer has already started the work. If you need to add up some instructions of the order or add up to the complexity of the order, you will be asked to cancel and provide the correct instructions. In addition you as the client you are required to keep active communication with your chosen writer so that everything can run smoothly. Also, you should always provide full resources that your writer can get information from so that their research would be bearable thus delivering exactly what you want in your written word. Product Delivery You do not have to worry about product delivery. AssignmentCore will ensure that the deadlines are met and that you receive your final product. However, if you fail to provide the right delivery channels, you will be held responsible if any of your product does not reach you. If you feel that your order needs a revision you can request your writer to work on the revision before payment is released to them. If the payment has been released then you cannot ask for any revision from your writer. You also must note however that the platform reserves the right to decline further revisions if they feel that you are too exploitative. Privacy Policy The AssignmentCore team is concerned about the privacy of its customers. So to ensure that everything that the client sends to them is private, they have put a few crucial fundamentals that ensure all the information that you have given out to the team is completely private. First, the information that you provide will stay private for no longer than the company needs it or the law needs it. Also, the company makes it super easy for you to control what information you will share with the public and which information you will keep private. Ratings and rewards AssignmentCore ensures that they hire pure experts to conduct their assignments. However, you cannot choose an expert writer only on the basis of the title ‘expert’. you will have to ensure that you can prove that they are indeed experts. To help you in choosing the right expert AssignmentCore has introduced the rating feature where you can rate the writers that you have worked with before. This helps in acknowledging the expert’s work on the assignments. This also helps clients choose their writers with ease. The overall rating is gotten out of each client’s rating on an expert. As a step in approving the assignment, the client will give a 1 to 10 rating and a comment explaining more about the rating. The site also contains a page where top experts with top rates are listed. Each expert is listed with their ratings and the number of orders they have completed. In addition, this platform gives awards to their experts distinguishing writers who are very productive and are able to maintain the good quality of the work they submit even when busy. The awards given are permanent but a writer can receive one award repeatedly.

How it works

When you list your order, the experts will bid for the academic project and will take a keen interest in reading all the instructions. Once the site receives your orders more than 200 experts will bid on your job and within you a few hours you can receive your order.

You should remember to always give an exhaustive list of your requirements on your order. Share all the details regarding your order, include similar assignments, or further notes on how the writers can work on the order. Also, the pricing for the AssignmentCore platform is almost affordable to everyone. It does matter how much you have budgeted for your order to be assured that the platform will ensure that you find the best writer to tackle your order. The pricing of the order will depend on the proximity of your deadline. The more close to the deadline the more you will be charged but as we mentioned the site will ensure that they give you pricing that you can afford. The programming language required and the complexity of the order will also determine how much you will be charged for your order. There is one thing though that every client should know, the platform does not allow a 4-hour deadline to an order that would require a 12-hour deadline. The platform will require more time to polish up your order so that you will get the top-notch final product you need.


AssignmentCore platform takes confidentiality very seriously. However while chatting between orders with their experts, clients tend to forget the confidentiality of their information. For this reason, the platform has set up some confidentiality principals that you must adhere to as a client;

  1. Never share your contacts with experts; the AssignmentCore platform site has a conducive environment where clients and experts can communicate professionally without the need for any other communication platforms. Therefore you are not allowed to share your contacts, email address, home address, first and last name, or the school or university you attended. All communication should be done within the platform. If however, you need to share a document, you can do so by uploading the document to the order page.
  2. Do not under any circumstances give your school login details to your expert writer. Never give any of your school’s/university login details to your expert. Always reserve this information for yourself.
  3. Do not use any third-party platforms to communicate with your expert writer. Do not attempt to deal with your writers outside of the website. Always ensure that you pay for your orders within the platform to avoid scam related issues. Do not worry about paying within the website since the platform will not keep any of your credit card information so you can be assured of your credit card safety. Also dealing with your expert writer using a third-party platform may pose great dangers to your safety and privacy.

Money-back guarantee

With this platform, your writer will not be paid for incomplete orders. You can choose to load your account with the money that is needed and pay the writer as he or she progresses with your order. Any money that is in your account and has not been released to your writer is always 100% refundable to you. Also if you choose to cancel a certain order for valid reasons your funds will be refunded to you. However, you must note that you can only be refunded the money that has not been ‘released’ to the writer. If you need to claim back your money you need to press the ‘request a refund of your balance’. you can only be refunded money if your account balance is positive.


Programming and coding assignments are a little bit complicated so you must ensure that you only hire a professional to do the job for you. Luckily the AssignmentCore site will be there for you in case you need an expert to do the job for you. The site is also easily manageable, affordable, secure, and very private. This means you can assign orders without anyone knowing that you are responsible for the assigned orders. Also Read: Learn Programming With SoloLearn App for PC & Mobile More Posts - Website Follow Me: