The government of India has launched many initiatives like Digital India which has helped thousands of students and professionals to become digitally literate and earn an income through the Internet. There are plenty of small jobs that pay Rs 100-150 per hour which can be completed by working from home.

Digital Economy of India

The rapid penetration of mobile internet means that people are no longer cut off from markets and can order goods and products from abroad at the flick of a finger on their smartphones. This creates new opportunities for Indian entrepreneurs who are looking to profit from the e-commerce boom in India. After talking to venture capitalists and startup founders we have listed five businesses below which can be done by any villager or student. Even if you are from a small town you can start these businesses to earn money online without any capital investment. All you need is self-belief to succeed in your online venture.

5 Online Business Ideas for Indians

These websites serve as marketplaces which means any seller can register online and start selling their goods. Before you sign up you need to do research on their websites to find out which product and goods are in demand and how you can procure them cheaply. Once you have determined the margin you will be able to make, you can sign up and start selling. You do not need to worry about shipping as the company handles it.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing involves the promotion of products, services, and ideas through digital channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Google. This type of work is in high demand because many new companies and startups are hiring people to manage and promote their websites. The monthly earnings are also good as you can make anything between Rs 30,000 to Rs 90,000 every month. You might need to get certified from a training institute before you apply for this job.

Business Coach

If you are an experienced business professional you can freelance as a coach and use your experiences to help new entrepreneurs scale up their businesses. It has been observed that Good Business coaches can earn anything from Rs 20,000 to Rs 50,000 per month while working from home. As a business coach, you must be knowledgeable, friendly, and must always have the best interest of your client in mind.

Buy and Sell on Auction Websites

Many websites like eBay and Quickr offer a platform to buy or sell second-hand goods. You can sign up on these websites and learn to spot deals where the profit margin is high. Once you find such a deal you place your bid and purchase the item only to sell it later at a much higher price. Many people earn thousands of rupees by using this method. You need to develop a sharp eye to spot under-valued items on sale.

Online Trading 

Anybody can start trading online with a low investment of Rs 10,000. You can trade in stocks, currencies, and even derivative products. The risk and returns are quite high in this field and many people have become millionaires over decades by investing in the right stocks. For Example, if you bought the shares of Eicher Motors when it was Rs 250 a decade ago, it would now be worth Rs 19,500.

These are some ideas which can be used to start a business from home, the investment required is very low and the chances of success very high. Do you know of any other ideas that we could suggest to our readers?

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